Live dance shows where choreography and music are linked, often enriched with spoken texts. The latter provide connecting threads through the shows and help the public get an idea of the original context which is impossible to recreate today. They enable the audience to enter further into the intimacy of the dance and the music presented.
The choreographies, usually court dances and improvisations, are based on very close reflection upon the reading of the original text or are created by Véronique Daniels herself..
The idea of the shows is to create a new setting while respecting as much as possible the context in which these dances were originally performed.
In the performance space, the audience surrounds the artists, ready to stand up and join the dance.
Balls and special events including audience participation in the dance.
Workshops, courses and masterclasses,which, in addition to the transmission of knowledge, open the door to diverse discussions as much on dance treatises as on the music sources and their relationships with the cultural and social life of the Renaissance.