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.......historical dances.......   .......historical dances.......
Courses   Masterclasses

Véronique Daniels
is a permanent member of teaching staff at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.

She teaches the dances of the Renaissance to musicians studying at the Conservatoire. These courses allow students to review how they play dance music from the perspective of the study and practice of movement to the music.

She also teaches music notation of the twelfth to the seventeenth century.

Véronique Daniels provides weekly dance classes for amateurs enrolled at the Music School in Basel.


Summer courses

High school and university courses

Extension courses

Beginners’ courses

historical dances
These courses in the renaissance repertoire are aimed at musicians, dancers, actors and may be accompanied by work on the musical notation.

.....historical dances.....

  .....historical dances.....
Teaching themes
technique, reading of original texts and reconstruction of dances
in a group.

These lessons are accompanied by musicians.
(lute, fiddle, renaissance violin, pipe and tabor...)

.......historical dances.......historical dances


historical dances

.......historical dances.......historical dances

20120225 Stage Jodo Basel